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Our Christian Character

We are keen that all groups of our children achieve well.  Through regular assessment, planning for different needs and through analysis of results, we identify our children’s outcomes and plan for future achievement.  We value achievements across all areas of our curriculum and school life and celebrate this in our weekly celebration assembly.

We promote health and well-being through teaching safe practices, healthy relationships and healthy eating.

Our policies and schemes of work provide children with the opportunities to explore other beliefs and cultures, as well as opportunities to respond to the beauty of God’s creation.  We are very fortunate to have wonderful grounds and views around our school which foster a sense of awe, wonder and appreciation in our children.

Our SMSC development is explicitly related to our Christian values.  Our children are able to explain notions of right and wrong and discuss the consequences of their behaviours.  

Our Christian status can be seen visually throughout our school through displays and symbols in important areas such as our  entrance, during Collective Worship, in classrooms and in our Outdoor Reflection Area.  We have an amazing Peace Garden that was built by our PTFA and is most definitely the childrens favourite play to be.....to play, to think , to consider  and to wonder. 

Our parents and children speak of the school as a warm and welcoming place which promotes positive relationships based on Christian values.  These values are also integral to our policies, such as our ‘Behaviour  policy and ‘Anti-Bullying’ policy.

Serious behaviour incidents are extremely rare and adults and children have positive relationships which leads to a very positive learning environment.  Children who demonstrate particular values are recognised in our weekly Celebration Assembly, demonstrating the impact of values on our school.
