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Meet Our Governors


Mrs Emily Meek - Chair

Emily started as a Foundation Governor in 2013 initially for Awliscombe Primary School where her two children attended school, and from 2015 for the Fort Federation. Emily is currently the Safeguarding Lead Governor for the federation.
She has worked as a School Nurse in the wider local area and is now working as Head of Year 11 and PHSE lead at Honiton College. .

Mr Nick Thwaites

Nick became a foundation governor when his twin daughters were in Year One at Awliscombe Primary and was Chair for 3 years. He has continued to serve as a governor for the federation and takes a lead on the Teaching & Learning Committee on curriculum matters.  Nick provides an important link between the PCC and federation schools. He spent many years as a solicitor but now designs and makes furniture to commission.


Mrs Penny Hammett

Ex officio .Executive Headteacher

Mr Nick Bladon

Nick has been teaching for more than 20 years, having spent 10 years teaching in the Midlands and was assistant head of a large primary, before moving to Devon in 2011. Nick is Head of School at Payhembury Primary School and is the staff governor for both schools on the governing body.


Mr Paul Cann

Paul is a foundation governor for the FORT Federation having joined the governors of Payhembury School as a parent governor in 2012. Paul sits on the Resources Committee where he is the lead Finance Governor and is able to use some of his professional expertise gained through his career in the investment management industry. 


Mr Stuart Coombe

Stuart joined as a parent governor in 2020.  Whilst remaining objective Stuart is able to give feedback and insight on a parent's perspective of all aspects of the school experience. Stuart is Chair of the Teaching and Learning Committee and Vice-Chair of the Governing Body. He is aboe to bring his professional experience to ensuring the schools continue to improve and succeed.

Mr Dan Wilkinson

Dan wilk

Mrs Caroline Coxon


Mrs Pat Fowler


Fort Federation Governing Body Committee Structure

Fort Federation Governing Body Meetings

Fort Federation Full Governing Body meetings are open to the public with at least 48 hours notice to the clerk of governors.

Minutes from Full Governing Body meetings are available on request from the clerk to governors, clerkofgovs@fort.devon.sch.uk