
Welcome to Kingfishers (years 5 and 6)
Teachers: Mrs Lerpiniere, Mrs Milton (Fridays) Mrs Moran (PE) and Mme Shackleton (French)
Teaching Assistant: Miss Lea
This term (Autumn 2) as historians, we are analysing evidence and deciding whether we think the story of the Trojan Horse is fact or myth. As scientists, we are learning about micro-organisms, a topic which has raised lots of interesting and in-depth questions. We are looking forward to using our scientific enquiry skills to find out more about fungi. As mathematicians, we are focussing on multiplication, division and fractions and as readers and writers, we are delving into the works of Oscar Wilde and will be writing our own versions of The Selfish Giant, challenging ourselves by using old-fashioned language and increased formality. We have been devouring our class books and are currently enjoying reading There’s a Boy in the Girls’ Bathroom. Our RE learning aims to consider the question, ‘What kind of king is Jesus?’ We are keeping active with PE lessons on fitness, table tennis and gymnastics and even on non-PE days we like to get out for a run or follow dance routines online. We are learning about installation art and had a chance to have a play with our own ideas on the beach at Budleigh Salterton during a river and beach trip earlier in the term. What with learning about websites in ICT, about our place in the world in PSHE, singing in music and writing to our pen pals in French, we are busy, busy busy! We still find time to squeeze in extra art sessions to enter the Sidmouth Science Festival art competition (which we won a prize for), deliver a remembrance day service complete with written diaries, prayers and poignant artwork AND we do all this while demonstrating PARCH (Perseverance, Acceptance, Respect, Care and Honesty). As you can tell, I am extremely proud of our Kingfisher class. They have taken on their responsibilities of Play Leaders, Worship Monitors, Librarians and ICT Monitors with maturity and enthusiasm and are always keen to support the younger children in the school. What superstars I get to work with every day!
Now for the practical stuff:
Children should read for 15 – 20 minutes a day and if they record this on their bookmarks for 5 sessions, they get entered into our reading prize draw with prizes such as ‘wear your slippers to school’ or ‘have break time in the wild area.’
One reading journal entry per week due in on a Thursday. This is an activity related to what they are reading at home or at school. All the children get to circulate around their peers’ homeworks and are encouraged to recognise others’ achievements and gain inspiration. We are all very happy when someone decides to bake something based on their book!
Spellings activities are set once a week, due in on a Tuesday.
Pupils should practise their tables at home and use Times Tables Rockstars regularly. We are awaiting the next inter-class competition!
We set one project homework per long term and have been blown away by the children’s creativity and hard work.
Check out the individual subjects on the website to see how you can help your child with their learning at home.
PE days.
Mrs Lerpiniere teaches PE on a Tuesday and the class is split between Mrs Moran and Mrs Lerpiniere for PE on a Thursday. Children wear their PE kits for the whole day.