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There is a Single Point for admission to the school; this is September. Parents and children are invited into school during the previous half term to meet the Headteacher and class teacher and become acquainted with the school routine. 

The class teacher will also visit your home to meet you and your child in his/her own environment. The school adheres to the Devon County Council Admissions policy. Other Year Group Admissions Should you be looking at moving your child from another school, the process for allocation of places is organised by the Admissions Team at County Hall. 

They will be able to advice you on the process of applying for a place. Admissions are contactable on 0845 1551019. 
While the governing body is responsible for admissions, all applications are handled, and places allocated, by Devon County Council through its Primary and In-Year Co-ordinated Admissions Schemes. 

You will need to complete and submit a Devon Common Application Form.

Click here for details


The following amendments were made in August 2021 to the determined policy for 2021-22 to comply with the revised School Admissions Code 2021: priority for children adopted from state care outside England was added to oversubscription criterion 1; wording added to reflect that decisions on in-year admissions must be sent to a parent within 15 school days; provision added for Hard to Place children; advice added regarding applications for overseas children.

The following amendments were made in August 2021 to the determined policy for 2022-23 to comply with the revised School Admissions Code 2021: priority for children adopted from state care outside England was added to oversubscription criterion 1; wording added to reflect that decisions on in-year admissions must be sent to a parent within 15 school days; provision added for Hard to Place children; advice added regarding applications for overseas children.