Special Educational Needs
At Awliscombe Primary School we seek to create an inclusive, holistic environments based on Christian values linked to British shared values. We place the children at the heart of everything we do. Children are encouraged to celebrate their strengths and differences, and we work hard to ensure they all children have the right to grow, learn and feel safe and happy at school. Partnership with parents is key to all we do and we listen to children and parents and work together to achieve the best outcomes for each child. Our SENDCo is Mrs Emma Palmer, and she can be contacted through the school office if you have any questions.
All schools in Devon have a similar approach to meeting the needs of pupils with SEND and are supported by the LA to ensure that all pupils, regardless of their SEND make their best possible progress in school.
For more information about the Devon Local Offer click https://www.devon.gov.uk/education-and-families/send-local-offer/
Awliscombe Primary School SEND Information Report
This School information report outlines the school's response to the Devon Local Offer as determined by school's SEND policy. Both can be downloaded below: