Robins Class

Welcome to Robins Class
Mrs Campbell Teaches Monday-Thursday and Mrs Lerpiniere takes over on Fridays.
Mrs Burford is our Teaching Assistant
Listening to your child read allows you to check their progress, understanding and check for any misconceptions. Your child’s Reading Journal will be checked and sent home daily and is a place to record and evidence what they have read and how they got on. Take note of any specific sounds that were a struggle and if they require a new book. Please share any reading WOW moments and any interesting book talk that came as a result of your reading time.
Year 1:
Each week your child will have new books and games allocated on Bug Club. This is their Phonics book to decode with you at home and apply the sounds we have been working on at school. It is important that these eBooks are accessed at least three times a week. You can find your child’s Bug Club log in details written in the front of their Reading Journal.
Year 2:
Year 2 children will have a banded book matched to their reading level. Children will progress through the bands only after they have been assessed on their fluency and understanding. They must bring these books in each day.
Library Book and Shared Readers
In addition to the above, your child will also have a weekly library book or shared reader of their own choosing. These are books to share with you at home and encourage a love of reading for pleasure. The focus here is not on their fluency, phonics or decoding skills but they can certainly practice – but you could read it to them instead and enjoy some time talking about what you have found out, asking questions or simply looking at the illustrations. These books are changed on a Tuesday.
Spellings will be sent home on a Monday. Their weekly spellings will relate to the phonics pattern or spelling rules being focused on in class that week. We will spend time each day looking at these spelling patterns in our Phonics and Spelling lessons but please spend some time going over these at home.
The spelling test will take place on Mondays.
Times Table Rock Stars – Year 2
Your child’s log in details for their Times Tables Rock Stars account will be written in the inside cover of their Reading Journal. Please encourage your child to access this amazing resource regularly – the children make excellent progress when accessing it consistently. We will start weekly times tables tests after Christmas.
Our P.E days are Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Tuesday – Outdoor P.E with Mrs Campbell
Thursday – Indoor P.E with Mrs Moran.
Children are asked to come into school wearing their P.E kit.
General information
Please ensure your child has their Reading journal and any reading books in school with them each day – children will need them daily for regular reading, spellings and changing books.
Fresh fruit is available at break time everyday but you may provide a healthy snack if you prefer – please ensure this does not contain nuts.
Please make sure your child has a bottle full of fresh water every day.