
Welcome to Woodpeckers
Class Teacher - Mr Ware
Dropping in – Mrs Moran, Mdme Shackleton, Mrs Rainbow, Mrs Palmer
Welcome to Woodpeckers, we are a mixed age class of year 3 and 4 children. There are 29 of us altogether and we have a lot of fun together. Mr Ware is the main class teacher, and we are helped by Mrs Rainbow on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays.
This year we are really looking forward to learning all about the Romans, Vikings, Earthquakes and much more. We have PE on a Tuesday and Thursday and try to get into the wild area as much as we can!
Overview of class week:
We bring our reading records in, these are a record of the books we read and enjoy. They can be school books or our own books from home.
On Tuesday we have PE with Mrs Palmer and get to learn French with Madame Shackleton.
This is our science day, where we find out about how the world works.
Another PE day, this time with Mrs Moran giving us her expertise. We walk to church on Thursdays for a church session with Rev Scott or Rev Sue.
On Friday we reflect on our week in our reflective journals. At the end of the day we celebrate our achievements with the rest of the school in our celebration assembly. On a Friday we receive our spellings task for the following week.